Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Jordan Fife
Mr. Persinger
English 9
6 February 2017
Aubry’s life experience
            So it was a Wednesday afternoon and it was probably one of the worst days I’ve had to experience. There I was sitting next to my closest family member, my grandma, as she was living her final moments in her life. I was leaning over my grandma crying, as my grandma tilts her head and looks at me and tell me to hold out my hand.
“Yes grandma?” as I was crying.
“This necklace symbolizes wisdom this helped me and now I’m giving it to you, I know we were close so let this remind you that I will always be here but unfortunately my time here is done” I started crying more and couldn’t bear to look at my grandma in her eyes.
“I will never forget you grandma and won’t let you down.”
“I hope not sweetie, now go”
“I love you grandma” I said as she starts to mumble and her eyes slowly close and says “I... love... you...
            I started crying way more and rang to the waiting room and waited for my parents. I didn’t know what to do or think and thinking about how hard it’s going to be without her because she has been the closest thing I had. I started having hopeless thoughts but at least I had the one thing to remember her by. I grabbed the necklace from my pocket and held it in my hand tight.
            I promised my grandma and told her that I wouldn’t disappoint her. My parents came out of the room and told me were leaving, I slowly stood up from my chair and walked to the car slowly. As we got in the car there was nothing but dead silence and blank faces on everyone’s face. While we were 10 minutes in the car ride my mom said “well Aubry are you hungry?” I thought to myself and to be honest I didn’t know if I was hungry, but I was sadder I guess you could say so I didn’t really feel like eating.
            Although, I was pretty hungry but I still didn’t respond. We got home and my mom asked again if I was hungry, “I guess so” I said “I could take some lunch.” After she asked me I went up to my room and just sat in my room and started thinking about this whole situation and asked myself “why today out of every day.” To be honest my grandma wasn’t even that old she lived a young life she was only in her 70’s but I guess it was just her time. Then I started thinking about my past and all the bad things and arguments and fights me and my mom have gotten into. My mother and I had never really gotten along but my grandma wanted the best of me and to be wise so starting off I think it was time to change that.
            I thought of ways I could fix mine and my mom’s relationship and started by heading downstairs. I looked at my mom and asked her if she needed help with lunch, then she gave me a blank stare and told me she would like that. I started by cutting the vegetables and setting up the table after I was done I sat down as my mom was finishing up making lunch. I looked at my mom and told her,
“Mom I’m sorry for everything I’ve done in my past and all the fights and problems I’ve caused.” Then she looked at me and looked like she was going to start to cry
“It’s okay we will talk about this later right now is really not a good time.”
            I looked at her and told her I understood, then she said “it’s time to eat go get your father.” I ran upstairs and told my dad it was time to eat and he said he will be down in a minute so I ran back downstairs and waited at the table. My mom dished out the plates and we sat there waiting for my dad. As soon as he came down my mom asked me if I could say the blessing which I told her I would love too. She grabbed my hand and my dad’s and I started saying the blessing. During the blessing I blessed that grandma would rest in peace and she’s in a better place, after the blessing my mom looked at me and said that was really sweet of you now let’s eat she said.
            We started eating and I was thinking as I was eating and I said
“mom, dad I’m sorry for everything” As they looked at me with blank looks.
“It’s okay my Aubry now don’t worry about it and eat before your food gets cold”
“It’s really not I need to get my act together and it’s my fault this family always gets in fights and I’m the reason you and dad almost got a divorce” then after saying that they just gave me the blank stare again. My mom walked in the other room and my dad said “if you want to help this family then please work on yours and your mom’s relationship I’m sure that will make her happy, she’s stressed out now that your grandma is gone your mom is going to need help with the company. I’ve been thinking about what my dad’s been telling me and couldn’t get it off my mind. A couple days have gone by and I see my mom emotional all the time, I thought it was time to talk to my mom. I went up to my mom and asked if she was ok, she told me that she would be fine but I know that it’s really been hurting her and things are not ok. Mom look I’m here for you and I’ll do anything to just to see you happy I hate to see you this way.

            I talked to her more and said “mom I know you and grandma have started this business and noticed how much this business means to you and I would love to help you with it now that grandma is gone.” My mom smiled and thought about it and then told me “that’s sweet if you but it’s a lot of work and I don’t what it to affect your schooling.” Then I looked at my mom and laughed and told her when do I ever have problems with school I’m a straight A student. Then my mom laughed and said your right but this is stressful and could lead you to start doing bad in school and this is my responsibility not yours. Then I told my mom about the necklace that grandma gave me and told her that it symbolized wisdom and grandma wanted me to make wise choices and so I told her I wanted to take over grandma’s spot and help with the business and do this for grandma. Then my mom said let me look at the necklace and she glanced at it and said it was beautiful. Then said I’ll explain what to do and how I could help tomorrow so then I gave my mom a hug and went to bed.
            Next day I woke up and talked to my mom as she was driving me to school and told her I was excited to help her, but she didn’t believe me and told me I was crazy as we laughed. So during school I was just thinking about the future and couldn’t get the thought of how happy my mom was this morning it was just amazing I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this happy. But at the same time as I was thinking of this I was also thinking about how excited I was to get home because man school was so boring. There was 30 minutes of school left as I was counting down minute by minute and couldn’t stop staring at the clock, my teacher looked at me and said
“Aubry are you okay? Is there something on the clock” she said
“No I just want to go home” I said
“In a rush I see I know my class is boring but at least show a little respect” As I continue to stare.
            So finally I came home and I told my mom I was ready to work then she said you sure and I said yep. So she’s told me what to do and started me off as designing clothes because I’m an artist and have really good art skills and my mom loves my designs so I thought this would be easy but little did I know I forgot I’ve never done clothes before. After a few weeks that have gone by I’ve been really stressed and told my mom I don’t know how you do this, but of course all my mom did was laugh at me and told me I told you it wasn’t easy but of course I was wrong. My mom and I got in a long talk about this and I said mom I want to help trust me but I just need a little practice.
            So, my mom showed me the basics of starting to draw clothes and I used my art skills which came in handy because it made it 100 times easier. But I made it a routine, every day I would come home and practice sketching clothes. Over time it became a lot easier and finally after a month I came with this one design I was finally confident with, I showed my mom and her first reaction was that she loved it. After hearing those words I was so excited… It was a motivation for me it was great, throughout time I’ve been coming with designs and have been getting really good at it that my mom has been loving them and it’s been making me so happy because I found something that I was good at and I loved.

            Throughout doing this I’ve built mine and my mom’s relationship and I finally told my mom that I want to do this for my job, after saying that she looked at me and said you know I don’t want to make you feel like you’re forced to do this. But I told my mom that I for sure wanted to do this then my mom smiled and told me she was proud of me.